What is Reverse Osmosis & How It Is Used?

Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology has been around for decades. There are a variety of reasons that one might opt to invest in an RO system for their home or business. In this article I want to specifically explain how RO technology works and how you might use it in your daily life. Key Takeaways: RO [...]

2024-05-04T08:21:10-04:00August 2nd, 2016|

Top reasons why your water tastes or smells funny

Does your family rely on bottled water? Water in its pristine state is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. But sometimes the water in our homes has an unpleasant taste or smell.
 In fact, this is the primary reason people turn to disposable bottles of water, which are expensive for you and harmful to the environment. Millions [...]

2019-04-22T14:34:00-04:00October 19th, 2015|

Even if you have city water, it might still need softened

Even city water can benefit from water treatment City water varies greatly from area to area and town to town. City water (or water from a community water system) is usually treated to some degree before it reaches your home, but most city water is still hard and contains some level of contaminants. Although water [...]

2024-04-15T05:38:37-04:00October 16th, 2015|

The Importance of Testing Your Well Water

If you have a private well you may have gotten used to a funny smell or hard water stains. But those problems might be caused by some nasty contaminants making your water less safe to drink. If your home’s water is supplied by a private well, you, and only you, are responsible for the water’s [...]

2023-11-07T08:11:40-05:00October 16th, 2015|

What causes red stains on sinks and toilets?

Are you sick and tired of rusty-orange stains on your toilets? Are you whites refusing to stay white? That tell-tale orange stain usually points to minerals in your water. Water is a natural solvent, and given the time and proper conditions, it can dissolve anything it comes in contact. Depending on where you live, your [...]

2024-04-15T05:35:53-04:00October 16th, 2015|
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