When you think of the cost of your water you likely think of the monthly bill. If you have unconditioned water the cost per month could be a lot more than what you think.
Unconditioned water contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron that comes from local water supplies and well water. You may feel them in your scratchy towels, taste them in your tap water, and see them when scrubbing stains in your sinks.
Your plumbing system is at least 10% of your home’s value. If your water is left untreated it can cost you thousands in repairs over the next 10-20 years in ways you may not notice day to day.
Hot water tanks
Hot water tanks that sit full of untreated water build mineral deposits and provide less hot water than those with treated water. It can also cost up to 25% more in fuel expense, require repair and replacement more often.
Minerals in water combine with soap to create the soap scum that sticks to your bathroom and to you. Conditioned water requires less cleaning for bathroom appliances which saves time and money on harsh cleaners. This creates a cycle of using harsh cleaners to take care of the soap scum that is then rinsed down the drain and cause wear and tear on your plumbing and the finish on your tub and sink.
Your Skin
The soap scum you see in the shower and tub is also on your skin and hair with unconditioned water. This requires more soap, conditioner, and moisturizer which adds cost but also takes a toll on the healthiness of your skin and hair. Extra money is spent on shaving as well because razor blades have a shorter life span and produce more skin irritation when used in unconditioned water.
Laundry products are expensive and do not perform as well in unconditioned water. This costs more in detergent, fabric softeners and the various other treatments for fabrics to make them look and feel their best.
Kitchen surfaces stay clean longer with less time and money spent on cleaning products. Dishwashers use less detergent and do not require additives to reduce spots on dishes and utensils. This gives the dishwasher lower repair costs and a longer life span. Other appliances such as coffee makers also have less build up with conditioned water, last longer and produce better tasting products.
Drinking water
It is no secret that the bottled water industry grows each year and is predicted to overtake the sales of soft drinks. Imagine the savings of not having to buy bottled water or a filtered pitcher but to simply drink from the tap. This also gives you a better experience when drinking water and preparing coffee, tea, and powdered drink beverages because they will have no bitter taste because the minerals that cause the taste are gone.
Your quality of clean is only as good as the quality of water you use. The harsh chemicals needed to combat the buildup of residue that water can bring is hard on your skin and can lead to irritation. In the long run, this costs money for appliances, cleaning, plumbing issues and your health. If you are interested in learning how to spend less money and have better quality water, the first thing to do is to have a free water analysis completed. After that, a water specialist will be able to work with you on the best water conditioning system for your home to save your money and better your health.