More than 13 million homes in America obtain their drinking water from private wells. If you are looking to purchase a home in a rural area, chances are you will be dealing with a water well too. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, several questions about the well water will likely arise.
With municipal houses, many buyers assume that the municipality has met safety standards for drinking water. But with rural homes, these assumptions cannot necessarily be made. In fact, the EPA does not regulate private well water. It also does not provide criteria for individual well water quality. When purchasing a home with a well, buyers will need to consider the quality of the water available to the home and also the quantity of water available to the home.
Here are a few things to consider regarding well water:
Research water in the area
You can research an area’s groundwater to identify potential sources of contaminations in your community. Begin by asking your realtor. You may also consider contacting your local health department as well as your public water system officials. Once you know of some of your area’s common problems, you will want to test the well for similar issues.
Test the well water
First, you will want to have the water quality tested. Your local water experts at Peacock Water offer a free water analysis. We will take a sample of water from the tap to check for contaminants such as PH, hardness, alkalinity, minerals, bacteria, and VOCs.
Second, you will want to test the water quantity with a state-certified well water professional. They will pump well water to measure both the flow and the drawdown to determine a well’s yield.
Both of these tests should be done as part of your home’s regular inspection and as a contingency of the purchase of the house. If any problems arise, recommendations can be made on how to fix the water and the buyer and seller will have to determine who will be responsible to take care of the issues.
If you own a home with a well, remember that the EPA recommends annual water testing to maintain the safety of your drinking water supply. Peacock Water is your trusted source for well water testing year after year! Request your free water quality analysis today!
Knowing a home’s water concerns in advance of a purchase will help you rest assured that you have made the right choice for your new home and your family’s drinking water standards.